QDT Staking

QDT Staking


QDT staking is one of the options for earning rewards in Qchain's vast, sprawling ecosystem.

QDT tokens entitle the holders to receive income from the entire blockchain network. The more projects and users utilize the network, the more rewards stakeholders receive.

To stake QDT tokens, you need to install the Qchain app (node) on your device and send the tokens to the staker in a few clicks.

1 - Open the QNode app and go to the "Products" section
2 - Next, select "Staking" → Add Deposit
3 - Select delegator and amount in QDT you want to stake.
4 - Click "Add Deposit"

Attention! At the moment number of accounts to whom you can delegate QDT for staking rewards is limited to 8 addresses (ID):

— ID 1
— ID 2
— ID 3
— ID 4
— ID 15
— ID 19
— ID 8066
— ID 8137

Watch the video tutorial: How to send tokens to staking!