Qchain Gets Better

Qchain Gets Better


Dear Qchain community!

We have completed the next stage as part of the large system update we announced earlier. The following changes were made to the Qchain ecosystem:

  • • the order of accrual of remuneration to stakeholders was changed (now accruals will be daily);
  • • improvements in the blockchain storage and subsystem maintenance, which will significantly improve the node rate;
  • • optimization of the ledger size on gray node devices (thus the total "weight" of the blockchain will decrease from 2.5 GB to about 500 MB, which will also increase the node performance).
  • • the changes in the Qstorage storage operation, namely, its internal refactoring and optimization were carried out

Attention! In order for new system functions to operate on your node, please update the app to the latest version.

Our team will inform you about all significant changes in the Qchain ecosystem, so stay tuned!

Best regards,

Qchain Team